So this weekend I was in charge (with a great and wonderful friend) or a two day youth event my church was holding. It turned out great. Now, this was a definite God thing, because really, it wouldn't have happened without Him.
I went into the weekend on no sleep because of the fact I had street ministry and worked over night (see posts below). And yet somehow, I was able to be awake and coherent for the entire thing. I even learned some stuff.
The first thing I learned, is that communication is imperative. Really, it is. My pastor and I so totally had made the same plans for two different things and didn't know it, because we didn't talk before hand :P Oh well though. It still turned out great.
The other thing I learned, which was perhaps the most important, is how wonderful a smile is. Seeing the youth smiling, and having fun has got to be one of the best things I could ever see. We didn't have a great deal of structured game time and yet everyone found something to do and was spending time together during free time. It was great. And, we played an awesome game of spoons which unfortunately was cut short by lunch.
I feel like I have so much more to say, but I'm not sure how to get it out. I should have made a list, it makes things so much easier when I want to write about things later!
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